Beth:>So what's your secret, Paul? _
NO01>How do you get Carrie interested in doing all these things?
#C 貝絲:那保羅,你有什麼訣竅? _
#E NO02>Paul:>Carrie is a very active person. _
NO03>But to be honest, doing everything together isn't as great as it seems.
#C 保羅:凱莉是個很好動的人。 _
#E NO04>Beth:>What do you mean?
#C 貝絲:什麼意思?
#E NO05>Paul:>Every day of the week we have a class or an activity. _
NO06>Mondays, we have bowling. _
NO07>Tuesdays, we play pool. _
NO08>Wednesdays, we go dancing. _
NO09>I can hardly keep track of it all!
#C 保羅:一個禮拜七天,我們不是要上課就是有活動。 _
星期一,我們打保齡球。 _
星期二,我們打撞球。 _
星期三,我們去跳舞。 _
#E NO10>Beth:>It sounds so wonderful!
#C 貝絲:聽起來棒呆了!
#E NO11>Paul:>Well, you should be careful what you wish for!
#C 保羅:嗯,妳應該留意妳所許的願望!
NO01>How do you get Carrie interested in doing all these things?
#C 貝絲:那保羅,你有什麼訣竅? _
#E NO02>Paul:>Carrie is a very active person. _
NO03>But to be honest, doing everything together isn't as great as it seems.
#C 保羅:凱莉是個很好動的人。 _
#E NO04>Beth:>What do you mean?
#C 貝絲:什麼意思?
#E NO05>Paul:>Every day of the week we have a class or an activity. _
NO06>Mondays, we have bowling. _
NO07>Tuesdays, we play pool. _
NO08>Wednesdays, we go dancing. _
NO09>I can hardly keep track of it all!
#C 保羅:一個禮拜七天,我們不是要上課就是有活動。 _
星期一,我們打保齡球。 _
星期二,我們打撞球。 _
星期三,我們去跳舞。 _
#E NO10>Beth:>It sounds so wonderful!
#C 貝絲:聽起來棒呆了!
#E NO11>Paul:>Well, you should be careful what you wish for!
#C 保羅:嗯,妳應該留意妳所許的願望!
最後修改紀錄: 2009年 09月 30日(Wed.) 23:16