#E NO00>Beth:>I really envy you and Carrie. _
NO01>You two are always doing interesting things together.
#C 貝絲:我實在很羨慕你和凱莉。 _
#E NO02>Paul:>Yes, that's true. _
NO03>Today, we're already done some gardening and gone cycling.
#C 保羅:對啦,是沒錯。 _
#E NO04>Beth:>See? Why can't Craig and I be like that?
#C 貝絲:你看吧!為什麼克雷格和我不能像你們那樣?
#E NO05>Paul:>Well, what if you try a new activity together? _
NO06>What about photography or coin collecting?
#C 保羅:嗯,要是你們一起嘗試新的活動咧? _
#E NO07>Beth:>I don't think so. _
NO08>You know, we did go camping together once when we were first married.
#C 貝絲:我不這麼想。 _
#E NO09>Paul:>That's great!
#C 保羅:那很好啊!
#E NO10>Beth:>Not really. Craig read in the tent the whole time!
#C 貝絲:才不好。克雷格全程都在帳篷裡看書!
NO01>You two are always doing interesting things together.
#C 貝絲:我實在很羨慕你和凱莉。 _
#E NO02>Paul:>Yes, that's true. _
NO03>Today, we're already done some gardening and gone cycling.
#C 保羅:對啦,是沒錯。 _
#E NO04>Beth:>See? Why can't Craig and I be like that?
#C 貝絲:你看吧!為什麼克雷格和我不能像你們那樣?
#E NO05>Paul:>Well, what if you try a new activity together? _
NO06>What about photography or coin collecting?
#C 保羅:嗯,要是你們一起嘗試新的活動咧? _
#E NO07>Beth:>I don't think so. _
NO08>You know, we did go camping together once when we were first married.
#C 貝絲:我不這麼想。 _
#E NO09>Paul:>That's great!
#C 保羅:那很好啊!
#E NO10>Beth:>Not really. Craig read in the tent the whole time!
#C 貝絲:才不好。克雷格全程都在帳篷裡看書!
最後修改紀錄: 2009年 09月 30日(Wed.) 23:14